The Greenhouse provides themed MYOs to the community that tie into the esk world through NPC and other stories.
The following prompts are intended as jumping off points for building your character's story, and grounding them within the TWWM universe. You will not receive a bonus for fulfilling them, but we hope they serve as inspiration for connecting your esk to the others around them, whether they're from the same story or not! Alternatively, we hope they might serve as talking points for esk who have different lifestyles, to see how they might relate to esk in this situation.
The Greenhouse provides themed MYOs to the community that tie into the esk world through NPC and other stories.
The following prompts are intended as jumping off points for building your character's story, and grounding them within the TWWM universe. You will not receive a bonus for fulfilling them, but we hope they serve as inspiration for connecting your esk to the others around them, whether they're from the same story or not! Alternatively, we hope they might serve as talking points for esk who have different lifestyles, to see how they might relate to esk in this situation.
Ikkit's Little Friends
Ikkit is capricious but not malicious, seeing the world as a puzzle to be toyed with. When he performs transformations, it's not out of either good will or malice, and he doesn't impress any sense of duty upon the newly-transformed esk. Instead, he just wants a companion, who can keep his attention for at least a little while - and then, perhaps, will be cast aside. Sometimes, he transforms those who've engaged with him in their previous form, in the hopes that they'll continue to do so as esk. Sometimes, he creates his own companions out of things that couldn't respond before, just to see what will happen. Either way, he doesn't expect a serious commitment from either himself or the new esk, just a little bit of good fun.
Will you play a game with Ikkit?
All of the Little Friends Story MYOs are esk that were created by the Forest Biome Wanderer, Ikkit. They were created out of Ikkit's desire for friends to share in his fun and games. Will they help Ikkit with his riddles? Will they engage with those riddles themselves? Has their perhaps prolonged exposure to Ikkit's whims affected the way they treat others? Have they participated in any particularly memorable games, or helped pull off daring pranks? How do their activities change the mood of the forest?
Will you play a game with Ikkit?
All of the Little Friends Story MYOs are esk that were created by the Forest Biome Wanderer, Ikkit. They were created out of Ikkit's desire for friends to share in his fun and games. Will they help Ikkit with his riddles? Will they engage with those riddles themselves? Has their perhaps prolonged exposure to Ikkit's whims affected the way they treat others? Have they participated in any particularly memorable games, or helped pull off daring pranks? How do their activities change the mood of the forest?
Odds and Ends
- Fortunately for your esk, Ikkit does stick around a little after transformation - although he doesn't really take anything seriously, treating your esk less like a sentient being and more like a plaything. Still, he at least tries to be a friend for them for a little while, even if not a particularly good one.
- None of Ikkit's Odds and Ends are necessarily similar to each other. Ikkit is quite unpredictable, and just as likely to play with them in groups (like a set of dolls who'd interact with each other) as he is to have a solo encounter. And yet they must be aware of each other: fellow strange, small beings, who shouldn't really be moving about like this.
- Unlike "normal" esk, Ikkit's Odds and Ends were transformed from small objects found in the forest, whether abandoned by another living creature or natural artifacts of forest life. As such, none of them quite relate to their boundaries in the same way that other esk might, and in fact, they retain their power even when they wander far from their transformation site.
Favored Foes
- Fortunately for your esk, Ikkit does stick around a little after transformation - although he doesn't really take anything seriously, treating your esk less like a sentient being and more like a plaything. Still, he at least tries to be a friend for them for a little while, even if not a particularly good one.
- Ikkit appreciates those clever enough to best him at his own game even one time - sometimes enough to transform them, which he regards as a reward, whether or not the new esk agrees. These clever souls have developed enchantments that allude to their craftiness in some way, and they help cast a veil of mystery and magic over Ikkit's dense forests.
- The forests are never still. There's always some kind of change: weather, leaves, what's blooming and what's waiting for the right combination of circumstances. Your esk sees many plants, animals, and even other esk come and go within their biome, but outside, the changes can be more subtle.
Raaga's Scrupulous Sentinels
Raaga's name holds a mysterious weight for other esk. He is hard-working, elusive, and selective, with a deep well of experience and no one he's willing to share it with. Still, sometimes, if you're very observant, you might see him performing good deeds throughout the mountain biome. This mystery draws many esk toward him, whether they're from the biome or not, to try to learn more. But they are not his concern. From the long list of esk he's transformed in times of need, over time he grows to trust some of them enough to actually entrust some of his thoughts to them. Some are dedicated: hardworking, good-hearted esk who Raaga singles out because they might make better mentors than he, regardless of their personal relationships with him. Some just fit with Raaga: esk he calls friends, who understand his desire to be left alone and are thus entrusted with tidbits of knowledge about his schedule, so that they may keep other esk away.
Will you stand tall with Raaga?
Will you stand tall with Raaga?
Precepts of Egress
- Raaga is a distant supervisor: he likes to know what's going on in the mountain biome, but he prefers to minimize his own intervention. When he first transformed your esk, it happened quietly, and he left them to seek guidance on their own, knowing that esk cannot be harmed by nature or by other esk. They may not even know who transformed them, and their experience with Raaga was probably limited to hearsay until their current relationship developed.
- Your esk have each toiled to attune themselves to alpine elements, and as a result they are among the most experienced residents of the biome. Raaga, having noticed their hard work and their dependable qualities, has asked them to take on a new role. He has no personal interest in providing mentorship to new esk, but he understands that sometimes it's nice to have someone to depend on. Whether your esk actually agrees with Raaga's philosophies or not, he at least trusts your esk to provide an example for newer esk in their area.
- Mentoring new esk is quite time-consuming, and the new change in schedule puts a big burden on the rest of your esk's life. Their own work, their social life, their free time - all of these things are important to keep in balance. Furthermore, the unusually high demand for this role in the alpine biome means that your esk might not be free to wander as they might have been in the past. On the other hand, though, interacting with new esk on this level introduces them to many different ways of thinking, for better or for worse.
Order of Ingress
- Raaga is a distant supervisor: he likes to know what's going on in the mountain biome, but he prefers to minimize his own intervention. When he first transformed your esk, it happened quietly, and he left them to seek guidance on their own, knowing that esk cannot be harmed by nature or by other esk. They may not even know who transformed them, and their experience with Raaga was probably limited to hearsay until their current relationship developed.
- These esk have ideals that are similar to those of Raaga: their primary relationship is with the earth, not with their fellow esk, and they seek a sense of inner peace in communion with the natural world. In cultivating their relationship to the earth, they have cultivated a friendship with Raaga, and are often granted a degree of insight into the Wanderer’s movements and activity. When these esk are not in quiet meditation, they often work together as gentle gardeners, purifying the mountains and helping endangered species or injured creatures. There are, however, many who would dissuade them from their purpose—some out of ill intent, but most out of a desire to gain wisdom from Raaga’s wealth of experience. As a result, these mountain esk can be very reclusive and misleading. They try to draw esk away from Raaga to protect his privacy, often so expertly that other esk do not realize that they are being manipulated.
- These esk spend the majority of their time alone or in each other’s quiet companionship, caring for the earth or feeling life move beneath and around them. They are often seen with a degree of reverence due to their proximity to Raaga, and esk may try to get information or advice out of them—but not without difficulties. Because of the length of time spent alone or communing with the land, they are known to be a bit… eccentric, with strange mannerisms or ways of speaking.
Aevre's Inner Circles
Aevre has a small group of recruits at each pole of the Earth that help her protect her realm from harm. The North Circle is made up of sled dogs from various dogsled teams that went missing; the South Circle is comprised of different types of pelagic birds that lost their way during migration and penguins that were lost at sea. These teams of helpers roam the Polar Biome as instructed by Aevre to be of service to the inhabitants and visitors to her realm.
Will you join Aevre's Inner Circle?
All of the Inner Circle MYOs are esk that were created by the Polar Biome Wanderer, Aevre. They protect the Polar Biome and work together with Aevre to solve problems. Will they guide missing animals through their territory? Can they rescue someone from freezing weather? What sort of role does your esk have in the group? Do they receive any special tasks to carry out? What is their relationship with Aevre like?
Will you join Aevre's Inner Circle?
All of the Inner Circle MYOs are esk that were created by the Polar Biome Wanderer, Aevre. They protect the Polar Biome and work together with Aevre to solve problems. Will they guide missing animals through their territory? Can they rescue someone from freezing weather? What sort of role does your esk have in the group? Do they receive any special tasks to carry out? What is their relationship with Aevre like?
South Circle
- The kind of work that Aevre's inner circles carry out isn't for everyone - the polar biome is a harsh environment, so the Circles are in high demand. Aevre knows this, and appreciates her recruits' dedication very much, but of course the nature of that dedication is different for every esk.
- Everyone in the inner circles works as a team, but the South Circle, given the relatively lower population in the Antarctic, gets more opportunities to take initiative with their work.
- Even though your esk has the rest of the South Circle for company, as a resident of the Antarctic, their life is still pretty solitary.
North Circle
- The kind of work that Aevre's inner circles carry out isn't for everyone - the polar biome is a harsh environment, so the Circles are in high demand. Aevre knows this, and appreciates her recruits' dedication very much, but of course the nature of that dedication is different for every esk.
- Everyone in the circle is a team, but the North Circle, considering their past lives as sled dogs, especially upholds teamwork as one of its central tenets.
- Working as a part of Aevre's inner circles, your esk has a pretty unique perspective. Not all esk have this kind of lifestyle, after all!
Majanthi's Cleansing Smoke
Majanthi is a fleeting but reliable presence in the arid biome. She is always wandering—sometimes in search of individuals and spirits in need of healing, and at other times in isolation, trying to lose herself in the connections binding herself to the earth and beyond. Majanthi performs exorcisms and medicinal healing with a grace and musicality that draws not only spectators, both esk and animal, but also students wishing to learn her ways. While Majanthi does accept and train any esk who approaches her with a desire to do good, she also selects her apprentices by transforming those of her favorite animal companions with the most potential. Not all transformations are performed on potential students, however: while Majanthi’s exorcisms are the most powerful among any esk, Wanderer or not, she sometimes encounters an object with negative energies too persistent to be banished in a normal ceremony, and must resort to incredibly powerful but infinitely dangerous method of abnormal transformation.
Will you follow Majanthi?
Will you follow Majanthi?
Dune Speakers
- The Desert Rose is often accompanied by a trail of followers, comprised of both esk and animal companions, who she reconnects with as she roams the world’s deserts. Though Majanthi has a tendency to disappear in the night as her duties demand, she does care deeply for her students and those esk transformed by her and checks in on them according to a schedule known only to her.
- These esk were once companions of Majanthi. They mostly followed her as she traveled the arid biome, with some of the most exceptional learning rudimentary herbal remedies according to the capabilities of their species. These animals were not necessarily constantly at Majanthi’s side—Majanthi wanders the world’s arid landscapes and can often not be followed by those limited to corporeal bodies. These animals, however, whether they only accompanied Majanthi for a short but impactful time or for multiple journeys over the course of years, made enough of an impression that the Nhm returned to transform them at the end of their lives, in the hopes that they would become apprentices of healing.
- After their transformation, Majanthi asks these esk to further accompany her in order to learn the application of healing and purifying magics. She encourages her students to find a specialty and come into their own individual practice, aided by the enchantment that they gained when they were transformed: some esk might prefer herbal remedies, others prefer to use enchantments to close wounds, while others might focus on spiritual rather than physical damage. Majanthi’s greatest relationship is also with the earth, and she encourages her students to form a similar bond and create their own language to use in communication with their adopted mother.
Awoken Spirits
- The Desert Rose is often accompanied by a trail of followers, comprised of both esk and animal companions, who she reconnects with as she roams the world’s deserts. Though Majanthi has a tendency to disappear in the night as her duties demand, she does care deeply for her students and those esk transformed by her and checks in on them according to a schedule known only to her.
- Some items carry negative energy as a result of events that occurred around them; a blanket wrapped around a dying child might carry the echo of its fears, or a dagger used in the murder of a friend might transmit thoughts of betrayal and anger to those around it. Your esk was once such a cursed item, and Majanthi had to resort to completely deconstructing their physical form, threading her healing magic through the object in such a way that results in an abnormal transformation. Such drastic measures are almost always successful in removing the negative energy—the key word being almost.
- It can be disconcerting being an esk transformed from a cursed object, because if they were cleansed during their initial transformation they have already fulfilled their reason for existing. During their time together, Majanthi might teach your esk some of her methods, but your esk is ultimately responsible for deciding their own purpose. Those esk transformed from cursed objects are often recognized by others in the arid biome; they are seen as proof of Majanthi’s healing magic and of an individual’s ability to change for the better. Some might enjoy this status, while others resent it and would even go so far as to leave and live in another biome so that they can find themselves in anonymity. Those esk who were not cleansed of their curse, however, are feared by esk in the arid biome, who hide from their presence in the hope that Majanthi will eventually succeed in helping them.
Seventh's Tortured Souls
Seventh is not a social Wanderer. Its whims are inexplicable and terrifying, and it leaves in its wake esk who often have no idea where they came from, or how. Often, they will never encounter it again. But certain souls who have been transformed bear an indelible mark of their encounter - once-disparate beings who now, whether by nature or desire, bring to others the horrors of the Seventh's will. Some souls, transformed in a moment of desperation during a violent storm, have become fractured beings whose turbulent magic often prevents them from forming positive connections. Others, transformed after they'd long been lost to the Seventh's cold, are frozen: trapped as shadows of their past selves, unwilling or perhaps unable to move forward.
Will you be caught by Seventh's caprice?
All of the Tortured Souls MYOs are esk that were created by the Fresh Waters Biome Wanderer, Seventh. Though they may never have contact with their creator again, they live on as symbols of its will throughout the biome. How does your esk's presence shape their boundary into something that echoes Seventh's presence? Do they terrorize the organisms who might live there? Do they do their best to keep others away? How do they deal with the lack of guidance in their lives as esk so far? Do they seek out Seventh?
Lost in a Violent Storm
- Seventh doesn't try to check up on the esk it has transformed. In many cases, the new esk wasn't even aware that an esk was present to transform them, and thus the Seventh's victims, so to speak, are left unusually clueless about their new form. This is especially compounded by the powerful, often uncontrollable magic that the Seventh's transformation has bestowed upon them.
- When your esk was transformed, some part of the interaction fractured their spirit such that it's now unrecognizable. Their identity starts from the moment they became an esk, and they resemble the storm they were transformed during far more than they resemble their original form.
- Over time, it might become clear to your esk that they aren't alone. There are other esk, a little like them - stormy ghosts of the fresh waters biome with violent magic, dark faces, and glowing eyes, and no memory of life before esk-hood. In this case, though, kindred spirits don't always portend harmonious relationships.
- Although no one can predict when the Seventh will choose to transform a creature, over time the esk it has transformed in violent storms have gained some notoriety: the pattern in the transformed esk, at least, is recognizable, and many esk know to steer clear of esk like yours.
Fell through the Ice
- The Seventh doesn't try to check up on the esk it has transformed. In many cases, the new esk wasn't even aware that an esk was present to transform them, and thus the Seventh's victims, so to speak, are left unusually clueless about their new form. This is especially compounded by the powerful, often uncontrollable magic that the Seventh's transformation has bestowed upon them.
- Your esk, affected by the traumatic circumstances under which they were transformed, has developed an affinity with a wintry element. Though your esk may not be accepting of their new role, they certainly have new abilities, which change the world around them whether they like it or not. The place that might have once been their home has been marked, and the communities that inhabit it have shifted, too, as a result.
- Many of the esk who have Fallen Through the Ice have unpleasant memories...and a powerful desire to once again become to what they once were. Something about the ice has preserved their memory of their lives before esk-hood unusually well, to the point where many of them have trouble adjusting to the fact that they are, indeed, esk, and not whoever they were before.
Vetru's Scorched Plain
Vetru is deeply compassionate and knowledgeable, but they're far from infallible. Their quick temper and dangerous elemental power make for unavoidable consequences. Still, Vetru is prepared - perhaps too prepared - to make reparations. The vast wildfires caused by their dry storms have trapped and endangered humans and animals alike. Vetru's guilt and compassion mean that they'll do what they can to mitigate the damage caused, though. Many of their unintended victims have been transformed into esk, and provided with guidance and companionship so that they can thrive in their new roles. Furthermore, Vetru has sought out bright minds who'll work with them to reduce the consequences of these wildfires in future. But all this hangs in careful balance, when all inhabitants of the Plains know that, at any moment, Vetru's temper could strike again.
Will you help Vetru heal the plains?
All of the following Story MYOs are esk that were created by the Plains Biome Wanderer, Vetru. How have their lives been affected by Vetru's temper? What sort of actions do they take in response to wildfires and dry storms? Do they fight the fires, or help rescue victims? Do they pass on Vetru's knowledge?
Vetru is deeply compassionate and knowledgeable, but they're far from infallible. Their quick temper and dangerous elemental power make for unavoidable consequences. Still, Vetru is prepared - perhaps too prepared - to make reparations. The vast wildfires caused by their dry storms have trapped and endangered humans and animals alike. Vetru's guilt and compassion mean that they'll do what they can to mitigate the damage caused, though. Many of their unintended victims have been transformed into esk, and provided with guidance and companionship so that they can thrive in their new roles. Furthermore, Vetru has sought out bright minds who'll work with them to reduce the consequences of these wildfires in future. But all this hangs in careful balance, when all inhabitants of the Plains know that, at any moment, Vetru's temper could strike again.
Will you help Vetru heal the plains?
All of the following Story MYOs are esk that were created by the Plains Biome Wanderer, Vetru. How have their lives been affected by Vetru's temper? What sort of actions do they take in response to wildfires and dry storms? Do they fight the fires, or help rescue victims? Do they pass on Vetru's knowledge?
Trapped by Wildfires
- Vetru shares a complicated history with many of the inhabitants of their Biome. Their inability to consciously control their elemental power often leads to destruction. Despite this, they're one of the friendliest Wanderers, and they're happy to provide company, advice, and a personal connection for esk within the Plains.
- Vetru has tried their hardest to give those esk trapped by wildfires a good home in the plains. They were careful to stick around and answer questions about the species, and they ensured that each esk could at least manifest a familiar before they eventually left - perhaps regretting that they could not provide more personal companionship themself.
- Your esk's first moments were spent with Vetru as an overbearing guardian. Eventually, though, they had that burning desire to move on - and your esk was left to adjust on their own. Still, the inhabitants of the Plains Biome are fairly well-connected, if only because they have a mutual contact in the form of Vetru. Vetru makes an effort to know nearly everyone who passes through, and is happy to gossip about their newest exploits.
- Vetru shares a complicated history with many of the inhabitants of their Biome. Their inability to consciously control their elemental power often leads to destruction. Despite this, they're one of the friendliest Wanderers, and they're happy to provide company, advice, and a personal connection for esk within the Plains.
- The Fieldwork esk each posses an elemental affinity, but they're really drawn together by their research interests. Though their boundaries are in disparate locations, they actually communicate quite often, thanks to Vetru's inability to stay in one spot, and their shared goals.
- Often, these sorts of research endeavors are necessary because they affect the living beings within an esk's boundary - plant and animal alike. Other times, they exist only to satisfy an esk's curiosity. Regardless, those who have knowledge are often called upon to dispense it, and your esk might conceivably be counted among that number.
Makoa's Surf Party
As a wanderer, Makoa is pretty low-key. From his point of view, there's no obligation to do anything but enjoy life to the fullest, for both himself and those around him! His open, friendly personality means he has a lot of friends, both animal and esk. He may not be the wanderer to approach if you need a problem solved, but Makoa really throws a legendary party. A big thrill-seeker, Makoa's activities usually include swimming, diving, and surfing - it's rare to see him above water. Like the ocean he calls a home, Makoa is drawn to the call of the moon. When a supermoon is on the rise, he plans an exciting viewing party to bask in its luminous delights from the shore. At the end of the night, though, he sinks back into the sea - where he's happy to welcome an entourage of fish back to frolicking and exploring with him and his friends.
Will you chill with Makoa?
Will you chill with Makoa?
- For Makoa, transformations are not a large part of his routine. He usually reserves them for creatures he was already on friendly terms with, or those who he happened upon by accident.
- Makoa's parties are an unforgettable experience! Often those who leave his parties find themselves marked by the moon, wading away with a glowing white marking that calls back to that precious memory. While each esk in this Greenhouse might have its own transformation story, the esk featured here have all attended a Supermoon party at a specific location.
- Obviously, Supermoon events are pretty rare - and your esk has a whole life outside of this party, which may or may not involve Makoa and their fellow partygoers. Moreover, the marine biome is very interconnected, allowing for easy exploration and travel while still maintaining the benefits of staying within-biome. On the other hand, it's also vast - it's possible to travel a long time without seeing another esk.
Cool Enough for School
- For Makoa, transformations are not a large part of his routine. He usually reserves them for creatures he was already on friendly terms with, or those who he happened upon by accident.
- The most reliable way to contact Makoa is to leave the biome, in a way - swim upward and seek the sea-birds that are closest to him. This doesn't make a lot of sense with Makoa's lifestyle, full of socialization - but it's a lot easier for him to reach out than for the reverse, and your esk is why. Their elemental abilities and swarms of familiars, all spread across boundaries that are hard to pin down, make them perfect for disseminating information and gossip, and Makoa entrusts them with keeping the Marine Biome up to date with the latest happenings.
- Many of these esk have a hazy sense of where their boundary ends - it's harder to draw lines in the ocean, which expands to fill the space available to it. More still just prefer to travel far and wide, thanks especially to their jobs as, essentially, esk gossip magazines. No matter what, many of the Cool Enough for School esk see this fundamental part of their esk in a very unique light.
X's Unfinished Tales
X deeply resents life as an esk, perhaps because they had to spend so many millenia not-quite-finished. The existence of humanity has been but a blink in their long life, but the developed biome, with its sense of constant change, is where they have realized they feel comfortable. They deeply enjoy seeing humanity's ingenuity and capacity for innovation, and want every human to realize their potential - just as they have done. Humans, though, have trouble processing what it means to be an esk, and so their influence is limited to the shadows: they provide a soft, encouraging whisper in the ear, sometimes, or nudge an invention just so in order to grease its wheels. The other thing about humans, especially for an esk, is that they're fickled. Things they've poured hours into can be lost in the wake of a new civilization, but X will pull them back themself if they need to. People who were once industrious creators, orators, and leaders might find themselves at a loss, or just out of place - but X will come, and convince them that they have more to give. In the developed biome, no story truly comes to an end...
Will you help X's progress toward the future?
Will you help X's progress toward the future?
Ars Longa
- Even though X transformed your esk, interactions with them can be awkward. They've always resented their status as an esk, and as a result have trouble relating to other esk, or providing guidance for them, even their own creations, so to speak. The resonance they might have felt with your esk's past form is lost now that they, too, are a spirit of the Earth. X feels both relieved at their accomplishment - it doesn't want humanity's industrious nature to stay lost, after all - and sad, that your esk has been transformed into something that will take permanent form, and forget, maybe, what it once meant to live. Of course, X themself has never been human. Perhaps that's why they can't seem to truly treat your esk as anything more than a masterpiece, beautiful, creative, and moving, but not a creature with their own emotions and desires.
- Your esk used to be an inanimate object. Some human poured labor into their creation, only for them to have been forgotten in the end. Now, they've been "created" anew, through X's transformation. X intends for them to continue existing as an inspiration for humans, but cannot actually force your esk to do anything. They are, after all, their own being, with a possibly storied past, although they're new to sentience. This leaves them free to make their own path, especially given that X isn't the best at providing mentorship or company.
- Given that your esk was transformed from an object, the place where that object became lost is nominally their boundary. Recognizing your esk's unique capacity as an abnormal, though, X has especially encouraged them to seek out other areas of the developed biome, where they hope that your esk can provide an influence and inspiration for the humans who might frequent it. Your esk, as a result, was first socialized in a different place from their site of transformation, and X has never led them back to that original site. Of course, your esk is independent, and may have sought that home out on their own: or they might have taken that as encouragement to keep moving on.
Vita Brevis
- Even though X transformed your esk, interactions with them can be awkward. They've always resented their status as an esk, and as a result have trouble relating to other esk, or providing guidance for them, even their own creations, so to speak. The resonance they might have felt with your esk's past form is lost now that they, too, are a spirit of the Earth. X feels both relieved at their accomplishment - it doesn't want humanity's industrious nature to stay lost, after all - and sad, that your esk has been transformed into something that will take permanent form, and forget, maybe, what it once meant to live. Of course, X themself has never been human. Perhaps that's why they can't seem to truly treat your esk as anything more than a masterpiece, beautiful, creative, and moving, but not a creature with their own emotions and desires.
- Your esk was once human. They were brilliant in their own way, but unable to reach their full potential in life. Perhaps they were a skilled painter but denied fame due to the circumstances of their birth; a revered chef who faced an untimely death; or a biologist whose discoveries were discredited as ludicrous. Regardless of the reason that your esk was unable to fulfill their dreams, X has recognized their potential and appeared to them at their lowest point with a deal: eternal life, in return for the preservation and spread of those skills that were not cherished in life. These esk have, for their own myriad of reasons, agreed to these deals and work in their afterlife towards goals unrealized as humans with the help of enchantments that reflect their mortal skills.
- These esk struggle, just as X does, with their identities as nature spirits—they are transformed in an effort to preserve who they were as humans, and are by nature always looking to the past and towards the living. Upon their transformation into esk, they are often shocked to see that they’ve entered an entirely foreign world that they had been given cherry-picked information about. They live forever, yes, and have the chance to indirectly further their mortal goals, but in the midst of a massive world of spirits that X pays little mind to and does not bother mentioning. Some find comfort in an insular community of esk transformed by X, while others embrace the wilder parts of themselves. These esk must beware when wandering in other biomes: created as they are with the intent of extending the developed biome, they are just as likely to encounter friends who pay little mind to the circumstances of their transformation as they are to encounter foes who blame them for the destruction of their boundaries.